6. If You Were the Dean of the School of Business (Sb)


SB-IPB University Kenalkan Budaya Nusantara Melalui Programme E-Summertime Class

Sukses menyelenggarakan e-summertime course selama sepuluh hari sejak tanggal 05-13 Juli 2021, Sekolah Bisnis IPB University (SB-IPB) mengajak ratusan peserta dari tiga belas negara untuk menikmati budaya nusantara secara virtual.
Setelah melewati serangkaian perkuliahan online yang mengusung topik "The New Dynamics of Business Innovation & Engineering: Creating and Protecting Value in the Era of Industry 4.0 & Guild 5.0" yang diisi oleh sebelas pengajar professional dari tujuh universitas mancanegara, SB-IPB menutup plan e-summer grade melalui rangkaian kegiatan seperti international contest, virtual visit dan gelaran budaya nusantara. Kunjungan budaya secara virtual tersebut dilakukan di Batik Bogor Tradisiku dan Gerai Nusantara. Peserta diajak untuk berkunjung secara live melalui zoom yang dipandu oleh Mojang dan Jajaka Bogor.
Kunjungan secara alive ke Batik Bogor Tradisiku memberikan pengalaman kepada peserta untuk belajar mengenai proses pembuatan batik, dari mulai menggambar pola, mencanting, pewarnaan, menghilangkan lilin malam hingga proses akhir menjahit menjadi produk sesuai minat pasar. Peserta yang mengikuti secara virtual antusias mengikuti kunjungan tersebut dan menyampaikan ketertarikannya pada berbagai produk yang ditunjukkan. Salah satu produk yang menarik perhatian diantaranya masker dengan motif trendi dan ketopong yaitu ikat kepala ala masyarakat Suku Sunda. Pada kunjungan tersebut dijelaskan motif khas yang merupakan ikon Bogor diantaranya kujang, rusa, teratai, dan beberapa motif lain yang terinspirasi dari keanekaragaman hayati dan budaya Bogor.
Peserta e-summer grade juga melakukan kunjungan virtual ke Gerai Nuasantara untuk melihat produk-produk inovasi dari masyarakat adat yang ada diseluruh pelosok negeri. Peserta diajak untuk melihat berbagai kain tenun yang dipintal secara transmission dan diwarnai menggunakan pewarna alami. Kain-kain cantik dari berbagai daerah itu diceritakan secara detil makna dari setiap motif dan penggunaannya. Selain itu ada juga hiasan dinding, perhiasan dan tas cantik dari Baduy, Kalimantan, Papua yang tak kalah menarik perhatian peserta.
Pada penutupan kegiatan, program eastward-summertime course BIM berkolaborasi dengan organisasi Himpunan Mahasiswa Profesi (Himpro) SB-IPB yaitu ABEST (Association of Business and Entrepreneurship Student). Peserta diajak menikmati kompilasi lagu-lagu daerah yang dinyanyikan secara medley diselingi video berbagai destinasi wisata alam di Indonesia.
Pada rangkaian sesi penutupan, peserta dari mancanegara berkesempatan juga untuk mengenalkan budaya di negaranya masing-masing dengan bercerita mengenai makanan khas daerah, tarian, tempat menarik, tren maupun kebiasaan unik. Dalam sesi testimoni, peserta asing turut menyampaikan harapan agar situasi pandemi yang sedang dihadapi semakin membaik sehingga mereka dapat melihat dan merasakan langsung pengalaman belajar di SB-IPB sekaligus mengenal lebih dekat budaya Republic of indonesia.
Plan E-summer Class BIM 2021 yang merupakan kerjasama antara SB-IPB University dengan Universiti Utara Malaysia, Putra Business School Malaysia, Hiroshima Academy Japan, Tokyo University of Agronomics Nihon, Adam Smith Business Schoolhouse United Kingdom, Warsaw University of Life Sciences Polandia, dan Kirirom Establish of Technology Kingdom of cambodia pada akhirnya telah resmi ditutup dengan adanya pengumuman kategori pemenang dalam kompetisi internasional mulai dari kategori best paper, best e-poster, best presenter, all-time undergraduate student dan best postgraduate student. (AW/NF)


Raih Best Student, Mahasiswa SB-IPB Juarai Kompetisi Internasional Pada East-Summer Course Bim 2021

Sebanyak dua orang mahasiswa SB-IPB yaitu Ardelia Nadhilah Rosyad dan Istianah meraih kategori "Best Student" pada kegiatan International East-Summer Form Business concern Innovation and Management (BIM) 2021 yang merupakan kerjasama antara Sekolah Bisnis IPB University (SB-IPB) dengan tujuh universitas mancanegara (fourteen/07).

Kegiatan yang berjalan selama sepuluh hari ini melibatkan sebelas pengajar professional dari berbagai universitas diantaranya SB-IPB University Indonesia (Prof. Dr. Noer Azam Achsani dan Dr. Idqan Fahmi), Universiti Utara Malaysia (Assoc iate Prof. Farizal Rajemi dan Dr. Emy Ezura), Putra Business concern School Malaysia (Prof. Sazali Abdul Wahab dan Dr. Ahmad Shaharuddin), Hiroshima Academy Japan (Dr Yusuke Hayashi), Warsaw Academy of Life Sciences Polandia (Dr. Rafal Balina), Kirirom Institute of Engineering Cambodia (Dr. Masamu Kamaga), Tokyo University of Agronomics Japan (Dr. Ramadhona Saville), dan Adam Smith Business Schoolhouse United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland (Dr. Marianna Koukou).

Pada rangkaian kegiatan e-summer course ini peserta tidak hanya sekedar mengikuti perkuliahan secara daring namun wajib menyelesaikan berbagai penugasan individu dan tim sebagai bagian dari penilaian juri. Peserta ditantang untuk menulis paper yang berkaitan dengan topik utama "The New Dynamics of Business organization Innovation & Engineering: Creating and Protecting Value in the Era of Industry 4.0 & Social club 5.0" dalam kurun waktu lima hari yang kemudian harus dipresentasikan setelah rangkaian perkuliahan selesai dihadapan para juri. Adapun empat juri yang melakukan penilaian terdiri dari Dr. Emy Ezura dan Acquaintance Prof. Farizal Rajemi (Universitas Utara Malaysia) serta Dr. Yard. Mukti Ali dan Dr. Idqan Fahmi (SB-IPB).

Sebagai perwakilan pemenang  dari SB-IPB, Ardelia berhasil menduduki peringkat pertama sedangkan Istianah menduduki peringkat kedua pada kategori "Best Postgraduated Student". Adapun posisi ketiga diraih oleh Bavaani a/p Balakrishnan dari Universiti Utara Malaysia. Selain berlaku pada tingkat pascasarjana, kategori "Best Pupil" berlaku juga pada peserta tingkat Sarjana. Kategori "Best Undergraduated Student" berhasil diraih oleh seluruh mahasiswa asing dengan urutan pemenang one-iii sebagai berikut : Chlarissa Mae C. Urbi (Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines), Mark Gil C. Adorna (Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines), Yaw Jia Min (Universiti Utara Malaysia).

Pada International Contest Due east-Summer Course BIM 2021, selain kategori "Best Educatee" terdapat juga kategori lain yang dilombakan yaitu "Best Newspaper", "All-time E-Poster" dan "Best Presenter". Kategori tersebut ditentukan dari penilaian kelompok yang terdiri dari 4-v peserta yang merupakan perpaduan peserta dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Beberapa judul newspaper yang meraih terbaik peringkat pertama yaitu "Online Food Delivery Services During COVID-19 Pandemic: Potential, Prospects, Plausibility" untuk kategori "Best Newspaper", "Business Model during Covid-19 for Hotel Manufacture: A Literature Review" untuk kategori "Best E-Poster" dan "Social Business organization Model Canvas Analysis for Social Project: Feel Safe Awarding" untuk kategori "Best Presenter".

Pada agenda penutupan e-summertime course, Dr. Idqan Fahmi selaku Wakil Dekan bidang Akademik SB-IPB dan Prof. Sazali Abdul Wahab selaku narasumber dari Putra Business Schoolhouse Malaysia menyampaikan harapannya agar eastward-summer course ini menjadi ajang pembelajaran yang baik, sinergitas antar mahasiswa dari berbagai negara dan media untuk saling mengenalkan budaya bangsa. (AW/NF)


SB-IPB Libatkan Tujuh Universitas Mancanegara Gelar International Eastward-Summer Form

Sekolah Bisnis IPB University (SB-IPB) kembali menyelenggarakan International East-Summertime Class Business organization Innovation and Management (BIM) untuk kedua kalinya (05/07). Pada tahun 2021 ini, e-summer course BIM mengusung topik "The New Dynamics of Business organisation Innovation & Applied science: Creating and Protecting Value in the Era of Industry four.0 & Society v.0". E-Summer course BIM 2021 merupakan kerjasama antara IPB Academy; Academy Utara Malaysia, Putra Business School, Hiroshima University, Tokyo University of Agronomics, Adam Smith Business School, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, dan Kirirom Institute of Technology. Due east-Summer Grade BIM ini akan diselenggarakan secara virtual pada 05 – xiv Juli 2021.

Pembukaan menghadirkan Wakil Rektor Bidang Pendidikan dan Kemahasiswaan IPB University, Dr. Ir. Drajat Martianto, Chiliad.Si yang memberikan apresiasi kepada SB-IPB selaku host dan sambutan kepada seluruh peserta. Dekan Sekolah Bisnis IPB University, Prof Dr Noer Azam Achsani menyampaikan bahwa selain sebagai platform pendidikan virtual, due east-summertime class ini dapat memfasilitasi para peserta untuk membangun jejaring global dan mendapat pengayaan pengetahuan dari para pengajar maupun mahasiswa lintas negara.

"Sebanyak lebih dari 100 peserta dari 13 Universitas telah mendaftar. Peserta yang mengikuti program ini berasal dari 6 negara yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Jepang, Bangladesh, Filipina, dan China. Saat ini seluruh peserta telah menjadi bagian dari sivitas akademika Sekolah Bisnis IPB Academy. Saya harap kegiatan due east-summertime course ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua", ungkap Dekan SB-IPB dalam sambutannya kepada seluruh peserta.

Terdapat 11 pengajar dari vii universitas mancanegara yang akan menjadi narasumber dalam topik khusus yang menarik seputar Business Innovation and Direction. Kegiatan eastward-summer grade virtual ini dirancang dengan metode perkuliahan yang interaktif dan terdiri dari tiga kegiatan utama yaitu kuliah online (synchronous/asynchronous), kuis/Self-Assessment, dan Team Assignments. Peserta akan mendapat pengalaman mengeksplorasi unit bisnis di Kota Bogor melalui virtual visit dan mengikuti kompetisi internasional membuat paper/e-poster secara berkelompok. Pada akhir kegiatan akan diumumkan kategori pemenang seperti best student, best paper dan best e-poster. Ruang lingkup tema diskusi seputar (a) Organization, Entrepreneurship, and Business Model; (b) Functioning Management of Logistics and Supply Chain; (c) Large data, Open innovation, and Smart Agronomics; dan (d) Business Bike and Finance.

Rangkaian program E-Summer Form BIM 2021 ini menghadirkan kombinasi pengajar dari Sekolah Bisnis IPB University (Prof Noer Azam Achsani dan Dr Idqan Fahmi) dan pengajar dari universitas mancanegara yaitu University Utara Malaysia (Associate Prof Farizal Rajemi dan Dr Emy Ezura), Putra Business organization Schoolhouse Malaysia (Prof Sazali Abdul Wahab dan Dr Ahmad Shaharuddin); Hiroshima University Japan (Dr Yusuke Hayashi), Warsaw University of Life Sciences Polandia (Dr Rafal Balina), Kirirom Institute of Technology Kingdom of cambodia (Dr Masamu Kamaga), Tokyo University of Agronomics Japan (Dr. Ramadhona Saville) dan Adam Smith Business School Great britain (Dr. Marianna Koukou). (NF)

tirta pakuan

SB IPB Helds a Press Release : Survey Results for Customer Satisfaction Perumda Tirta Pakuan Bogor

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pkm day 2

PKM Training : Tips How to Sucess and Get Funding from PKM 2021

Wednesday, December nine, 2020, the IPB Concern Schoolhouse held socialization for Student Inventiveness Week activities with the theme of the activity "Mentoring for Proposal Writing and Tips for Passing PKM Funding in 2021", this activity aims to provide direction on writing PKM proposals and then that they laissez passer the funding and laissez passer PIMNAS. The event was held most through Zoom Meetings at 08.30-eleven.30 WIB and was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs for the IPB Business organization School, Dr. Ir. Idqan Fahmi, One thousand.Ec.

The resource person for this activity is Dr. Wachyu Hari Haji, he is a national reviewer of PKM Kemendikbud, developer, reviewer of KBMI, ASMI, and KIBM Kemendikbud. In addition, he is a verifier of the Ministry of Teaching and Culture's SMIKATMAWA.
The resource person explained the things that need to exist considered based on the reviewer's point of view. Tips for passing the selection include prioritizing quality. He also explained the reasons for the proposal being rejected, namely wrong format or assistants (not according to the guidelines), the topic of the proposal that was frequently submitted, repeated or was very general, and the purpose of the proposal was non in accordance with the program field to be followed. The writing format is the showtime thing to be checked, the PKM writing format more often than not includes A4 layout with Left Margin: 4 cm; Top, Correct, Bottom 3 cm, font, Times New Roman 12, Space, 1.15 (distance between paragraphs may not be 1.fifteen), Page number, Table of contents: Bottom Right (i, 2, 3), Chapter 1 Introduction sd. Attachment: Tiptop Right (i,2,3,iv….), Number of Pages: Chapter 1 Introduction sd. Bibliography: Maximum 10 Pages.

After that, the resource person explained the writing format of eight fields of Student Creativity Program (PKM) starting from PKM 5 fields (PKM Research, PKM Entrepreneurship, PKM Community Service, PKM Technology, PKM Creative Initiative), PKM Scientific Articles, PKM Written Ideas, and PKM Effective Futuristic Ideas. Starting from the encompass presentation and the validation canvas which is made separately, the writing systematics of each CHAPTER, the attachment of biographical information for applicants and members, the chairman'due south argument letter, the team's organizational construction, and bibliography. The activity was connected with a question and answer session, students asked nigh which ideas were more relevant to which field, and some students who had participated in PKM asked most their PKM ideas that did non pass PIMNAS and what factors fabricated these ideas not laissez passer.

Later on that, the activity was connected with a question and answer session and the announcement of the PKM proposal competition for the IPB Business organization Schoolhouse level.
The hope is that with this PKM socialization, SB IPB students can pattern proposals according to the latest PKM guidelines and go an agreement of preparing proposals from the perspective of the reviewer. As well that, this socialization is as well SB's step to prepare proposals and the best teams are prepare to accept part in PKM and PIMNAS 2021.

pkm day 1

Achievement Inspiration Through PKM

IPB's Business organisation School held a socialization of Student Creativity Week activities with the theme of the activity "Inspiration for achievement through PKM", this action was one step to increase the creativity and innovation of SB IPB students. The speaker for this activity is Dr. Wachyu Hari, he is a national reviewer of PKM Kemendikbud, programmer, reviewer of KBMI, ASMI, and KIBM Kemendikbud. In addition, he is a verifier of the Ministry building of Education and Civilisation's SMIKATMAWA.

The event was held virtually through Zoom Meetings on Tuesday, Dec 8, 2020, at 19.30-21.30 WIB and was opened by the Dean of the IPB Business organization Schoolhouse, Prof. Dr. Ir. Noer Azam Achsani. MS. The result was hosted by the moderator, Asep Taryana, STP, MM. He is a KIBM Reviewer and a Jury for the KIBM honor from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

At the beginning of the presentation, the speakers and audience interacted about whether they had heard or known most PKM. The majority of SB IPB lecturers and students already know PKM. Later that, it continued to discuss PKM, the purpose of property PKM, and the reasons why you had to follow PKM. Not only a general caption, but as well discussing the types of PKM to how to discover ideas and inspiration to writing ideas for PKM proposals. The source of inspiration tin can exist seen through public problems and anxieties so as to create solutions in the form of unique ideas or products. The things that need to exist considered in determining ideas include the usefulness of ideas, uniqueness, bewitchery, providing innovation, specific novelty and references or data that can exist obtained. The key word for student creativity is that the idea must exist quirky, evolutionary, and challenging.

If you have an idea, write it down immediately, because according to him the thought is non considered to exist unless it has go a series of words. Unremarkably ideas come from bug or there is a gap between the desired idea and actual reality.

In that location are 8 fields in the Student Creativity Program (PKM), including PKM 5 fields (PKM Research, PKM Entrepreneurship, PKM Community Service, PKM Technology, PKM Creative Initiative), PKM Scientific Articles, PKM Written Ideas, and PKM Effective Futuristic Ideas. Dr. Wachyu explained each program area starting from criteria such as core activities, number of members, output or output, proposal substance, and characteristics of each plan. For instance in PKM Entrepreneurship, students are expected to be able to create an innovative product that has previously had a market survey and open up marketplace opportunities and does non become competitors for similar products which are customs income, the proposal must be able to describe the opportunities and business concern plans that volition exist submitted, as well as the potential for sustainability. from Entrepreneurship PKM totaling 3 to 5 people, the output of this program is a progress report, a final report and scientific articles on business products.

The estuary of this PKM is PIMNAS (National Student Scientific Week), the steps towards PIMNAS starting from submitting proposals, selected proposals for funding and implementing programs, the next footstep is monev or monitoring evaluation, the results of this monitoring evaluation determine whether information technology passes or not. the team to PIMNAS. In the final session of the presentation, he explained the things that demand to exist considered in guild to pass PIMNAS, including having communication skills: writing and presentation, obeying guidelines and field of study. Subsequently that, the activeness was connected with a question and reply session and the announcement of the PKM proposal competition for the IPB Business Schoolhouse level.

The hope is that the property of this PKM socialization can increase cognition about PKM and provide inspiration and motivation to students to create ideas. In improver, this socialization is also SB's step to ready proposals and the best teams who are prepare to take part in PKM and PIMNAS 2021.

sapa agrianita

Sapa Agrianita – Tips to Stay Optimistic During the Pandemic

Agrianita SB-IPB University held a SAPA AGRIANITA webinar with the theme "Tips for Staying Optimistic in Pandemic Times". On this occasion, Agrianita SB-IPB Academy presented resource persons who had direct experience of the impact of the pandemic, be it experiences as a Covid-19 survivor attended by Prof. Joko Santoso who is also a lecturer from the Kinesthesia of Fisheries and Marine Sciences of IPB Academy, Family of Covid-19 survivors, namely Retna Widyawati, SP who is as well the Chair of Agrianita IPB University and the wife of the Rector of IPB University, Prof. Dr. Arif Satria. Likewise equally man of affairs Rizka West. Romadhona, MM is an alumnus of SB-IPB Academy and the owner of the Lapis Bogor Sangkuriang business. This webinar was as well moderated by Ir. Agusnizar Saleh as a member of Agrianita SB-IPB and presented by Ima A. Savitri S.Si as a representative of IPB Business School.

The event begins with a voice communication past Dr. Reni Lestari as Chairperson of Agrianita SB-IPB University. He said that the Sapa Agrianita activeness is a routine outcome organized by Agrianita IPB University which carries various interesting and useful themes. Opening Speech was also delivered past Ina Agus Purwito as Head of the Arts, Sports and Spirituality Agrianita IPB University. On his occasion, he said that the current pandemic weather it has express u.s.a. from doing activities, economic conditions, then on. Therefore, this webinar activity is expected to provide enthusiasm and new learning to stay optimistic during a pandemic. The remarks as well marked the opening of the Sapa Agrianita webinar.

In his presentation, Prof. Joko Santoso shared his experiences as a Covid-nineteen survivor. He concluded that this pandemic condition should exist used as a moment to strengthen immunity, namely organized religion-immunity-rubber. Always have a proficient prejudice against the Creator that all the weather condition given will take wisdom behind information technology all. Go on up the spirit by edifice a strong mentality, support from the core family, and obeying wellness protocols from experts. Furthermore, the explanation from Retna Widyawati, SP besides shared her feel as a family of Covid-nineteen survivors, that family role is very important compared to the patient himself. According to him, in dealing with these conditions it is important to spread a sense of optimism, assuming that a positive attitude can exist transmitted to the patient's condition. A positive attitude in yourself will as well accept a good impact on determination making and so that it volition produce a productive attitude.

The concluding presentation was past Rizka Rizka W. Romadhona, MM who is also the owner of the Agrinesia visitor with its various cake products, namely Lapis Bogor Sangkuriang, Bolu Susu Lembang, Bolu Singosari Malang, and so on. In his presentation, this pandemic condition is a moment to yet be able to take advantage of opportunities compared to the crunch itself. Changes in consumer behavior in electric current weather force companies to continue to analyze the situation and consumer needs to produce diverse innovations to withal be able to deliver products into the easily of consumers. Likewise, adapt and transform sales channels. Currently, offline sales are a new concern for consumers so that companies introduce to create applications and enter the world of e-commerce to sell their products online. although there were many complaints at the beginning, this has go the trigger for a better sales system and continues to grow until now.

The event was continued with a question and answer session and sharing of other experiences equally a family unit of Covid-19 survivors. The event was closed with an appreciation and group photograph.

renewable energy

Renewable Energy

On twenty October 2020, Mrs. Etty Susilowati agreed to share in the R63 and R64 Class R63 and R64 Capita Selecta Management and Concern (KSMB) regarding Renewable Energy. He is the President Manager of PT Jasa Tirta Energi also every bit the commissioner, co-founder of PT Puri Lupine Indonesia, and PT Lupine Mitra Bakti Nusantara. Previously, he worked at Lupine Food Commonwealth of australia, PT Frontliner Indonesia, PT Amanu Bina Citra, PT PNM, and others. He completed his S1 from Trisakti University, S2 from UI, and S3 from SB-IPB University.

PT Jasa Tirta Energi (JTE) is a state-owned subsidiary of Perum Jasa Tirta I. JTE has two divisions, namely the energy division and the general services division. The energy partitioning is one of the divisions assigned the job of developing the potential for water resources in the working area of ​​Perum Jasa Tirta I into electric energy. Meanwhile, the public services division has developed for more than than xv years in the fields of dredging, steel sheet pile (SSP) pulling out, heavy equipment rental, SSP rental, and water resources infrastructure management.

With the limitations of fossil energy, new and renewable energy (EBT) has become important culling energy. The national energy policy targets NRE for effectually 23% of Indonesia's total principal free energy by 2025. EBT consists of various types such as solar, water, current of air, geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, and nuclear ability. Biomass tin can consist of biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel, bio charcoal, and organic waste. The priority of national energy evolution is maximizing the employ of renewable energy, minimizing the use of petroleum, optimizing the use of natural gas and new energy, using coal as a mainstay of national energy supply, and utilizing nuclear as a last resort.

Currently, JTE is developing diverse power generation businesses that come from water, solar, air current or wind, and biomass such as biodiesel. There are nonetheless many potential new and renewable free energy sources to be developed.

literasi keuangan

Financial Literacy Goes To Campus, Investment Tips For Millennials

IPB University Business organisation School (SB-IPB) and IPB University are collaborating with Berita Satu Media Holding, the Fiscal Services Authorisation (OJK), Banking concern Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), and PT Danareksa Investment Management to hold a financial literacy outcome goes to campus which is held regularly online on Thursday (15/10). Raising the topic "Investment Tips for Millennials", this event was attended by 550 people in the Zoom meeting room and 1424 people listening through the live streaming of the Berita Satu Youtube business relationship. The webinar activity does not simply run in i direction, participants actively participate in word sessions, quizzes, and the Instagram repost claiming which prizes diverse interesting door prizes.

The SB-IPB financial literacy activity goes to campus presented a keynote speaker, Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners for Consumer Education and Protection, Tirta Segara, SE, MBA. Other speakers at the panel discussion were also presented, including i) Executive Vice President of Wealth Management Segmentation of BRI, Tina Meilina, CWM, CFP; (2) President Director of Danareksa Investment Management, Marsangap P Tamba, MSc; and (3) Dean of the IPB Business School, Prof. Dr. Ir. Noer Azam Achsani, MS. Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University, Dr. Ir. Drajat Martiato, MSi represented the Rector of IPB to requite a speech. The effect was opened past Poppy Zeidra equally the host followed by singing over again Indonesia Raya, opening speech, presentation of cloth, followed by a panel discussion chastened past News Director BeritaSatu Media Holdings, Primus Dorimulu.

While fighting the wellness crunch and returning the wheels of the economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic, fiscal literacy is believed to play a strategic function in the country's economical recovery. "Millennials are currently i/3 of Indonesia's population with the main characteristic of being dependent on the internet and gadgets. Millennials who have set aside funds from their income for new investments are 2%. The financial challenges faced past millennials include lifestyle pressures, lack of knowledge about finance, and a lot of forests and wasteful experience to gain ". Said Tina.

Tirta Segara explained five reasons why the addiction of saving and investing should go on to exist instilled in millennials from an early age, including 1) millennials are the nation's next generation, ii) low levels of fiscal literacy according to the OJK survey, 3) more vulnerable financially, four) no prepare an emergency fund, and v) warning illegal investments. Investing is often seen every bit something scary, but information technology can exist easier to empathize if you understand the basic principles of investing, namely planning, execution, and monitoring. Tirta shared investment tips for millennials, "Investing for millennials tin can be done by agreement the character and financial status, recognizing investment products, starting pocket-sized, diversifying investments, non getting emotional, and ensuring 2L Legal and Logical".

"Investments need to be planned with specific goals, such every bit investments with plans to buy a firm, education costs, etc. Choosing an investment product is also a plan, to match the goals and abilities of millennials when they start invest. After making a programme, execute! Invest by the predetermined programme and monitor investment developments intensively to notice out what steps can exist taken in the time to come. Investment plays an important office in protecting the value of money, uncertainty in the future, and retirement plans, "said Tina.

"Smart tips for managing finances for millennials are allocating their income with a 4-3-2-1 formula, 40% for daily needs, 30% for debt needs, 20% for investment and insurance needs, and 10% for social needs. spending priorities, attempt to only have 'good debt', determine your investment goals, understand the fiscal products, don't forget to ready an emergency fund, then showtime investing and buying insurance products because nosotros need protection, take advantage of the 'car-debit' account facility, and must be disciplined in managing finances. " Tina explained that she shared tips on managing finances for millennials.

Investment is a solution to more optimal financial goals. Marsangap suggested, "Mutual fund investment tin be used every bit an piece of cake-to-reach investment alternative for novice investors". Finally, Prof. Dr. Ir. Noer Azam Achsani, MS explained tips on investing in the real sector. Furthermore, Okty Shalihati shared tips for budding entrepreneurs to obtain funds from investors. "Tips to convince investors, make a proper pitch deck menstruum for the session and primary the word session".

market driven

Driven Strategy: Understanding Markets and Consumers During the Pandemic

On October 15, 2020, Dr. Ir. Sri Hartono MM, CMA, CHRA would like to share his experiences with students of the SB-IPB Undergraduate Plan. He is the CEO of PT Catur Pilar Jaya and the CEO of PT BMS Group, a trainer and management consultant also every bit teaching at Postgraduate SB-IPB, UMB, and UNPAK. He has experience working in various multinational companies such every bit PT Meiji Indonesia, PT Sandoz Indonesia, PT Casana Prima, PT SLH Prima, and PT GlaxoSmithKline Indonesia. He delivered cloth on Market Driven Strategy: Agreement Markets and Consumers During the Pandemic.

The marketplace during the Normal vs New Normal catamenia, which under normal conditions is demanded to be focused, consistent, the all-time marketing strategy, flexibility, and loftier contest. During the New Normal menstruum, there were 4 mega shifts, namely, stay at home lifestyle, the bottom of the pyramid, go virtual and empathic club. The bear on of the Covid-19 pandemic is changing in consumer beliefs, consumer purchasing power, distribution systems, production variations, access to information, and price bug. At that place are four characteristics of a market-driven strategy, namely becoming market-orientation, determining distinctive capabilities, customer value/capabilities match, and achieving superior performance.

These four things are like a rotating cycle.
Six practical steps to retaining customers you can take are to change the mindset, listen to the customer, follow their line of thinking, make connections, recommend your solution as a match, and exceed expectations above and across expectations. Showtime, changing the mindset tin can be done with a focus on customers, creating value and innovation is a necessity. Second, heed to customers by beingness good listeners, rejection is an opportunity, and think that customers are unique. All 3 follow their path by simply following, refining existing ones, and being more flexible.

Fourth, make a connectedness by taking advantage of all access, being creative is not plenty, make sure yous are connected and don't exist lazy. Fifth, your recommendation as a suitable solution through being an adept, mastering product knowledge, and meeting customer expectations. Finally, get to a higher place and beyond expectations by giving your best, be the get-go, and don't be stingy.


Source: https://sb.ipb.ac.id/en/

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